Social Media Is In Shambles After Gabrielle Union Revealed She And Dwyane Wade Split Expenses 50/50

Gabrielle Union never wants to feel like she isn’t equally contributing to her and Dwyane Wade’s household, especially since the power couple approaches their financials with a 50/50 split mindset.

Union opened up about how she and Wade split their household expenses during a candid moment of her latest interview. The Truth Be Told actress said she and her husband contributed equally to their household bills while she discussed the financial anxiety she’s tied to how well her projects performed. 

“It’s weird to say I’m head of household because, in this household, we split everything 50/50,” Union explained on the Idea Generation series for Bloomberg Originals. “But in the other households that each of us have to support, there’s always the gorilla on your back that is like, ‘You better work bitch. You wanna sleep in? You know, somebody might not eat.’ And it’s hard to let that go. I’m working on that.”

The actress admitted that she struggles with having a scarcity mindset despite the money in the bank she’s stacked up during her decades-long career. In addition to balancing her acting gigs, the working mother is also an author, serial entrepreneur and LGBTQIA+ advocate.

“I struggle with that still because I think I just have more responsibilities for my money, so I get nervous, like, ‘Oh, god that that movie didn’t open, what does that mean? Am I gonna have enough to hold everybody up?’

And everyone’s like, ‘It’s coming, calm down.’ I’m trying to find peace in the journey. Not using my anxiety and scarcity mindset to be my engine. Which is hard.”


On Twitter, social media users had a slew of reactions to Union’s revelation. 

Since the actress’s net worth is around $40 million and her former NBA player husband’s is an estimated $170 million, some didn’t understand why the couple would contribute equally to their household’s expenses. As Twitter fingers typed, people argued that it was troubling that Union, a millionaire in her own right, struggled to feel financially secure when her husband’s net worth was over four times hers. After all, he is her other half.

Others on the blue bird app argued that discussions about what Union and Wade did in their household were pointless since the average person would never see the couple’s wealth in their bank accounts. 

Taking the conversation further, several people said that the ongoing societal debate on 50/50 splits in relationships didn’t apply to Union and Wade’s relationship in the same way as it did for folk of the Black working class.

See Twitter’s reactions to Union’s explanation in the Bloomberg interview about her household’s 50/50 split below.

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Originally posted 2023-05-17 14:45:59.